Postdoctoral Programme for Research Institutes

The aim of the Postdoctoral Programme for Research Institutes is to strengthen research, development and innovation (RDI) competence in areas important to society. It promotes the mobility of PhD-level experts and the transfer of researched-based knowledge, know-how and experts to companies and the public sector. The long-term goal is to strengthen RDI cooperation between different sectors to boost sustainable economic growth and increase productivity.

The program will hire 85 PhD-level experts to 12 Finnish government research institutes between 2025 and 2028. Postdoctoral researchers conduct high-level research at the interface between the academic community, industry and administration. The research institutes implementing the programme and the total number of postdoctoral researchers to be employed in them are:

The programme has been granted 40 million euros in funding based on the government’s multi-annual RDI funding plan. The purpose of States R&D funding, together with R&D investments from the businesses sector, is to raise Finland’s R&D expenditure to 4% of GDP by 2030.


Interested in the postdoctoral positions?

Open positions will be announced in each organisation´s web pages. Postdoctoral researchers are recruited in stages. See the estimated recruitment periods for positions opening in 2024 (links to the open positions to be added).

  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. / 11 positions – September 9 – September 30 2024 OPEN
  • Natural Resources Institute Finland / 6 positions – September-October 2024
  • Finnish Environment Institute / 3 positions – October-November 2024
  • National Land Survey of Finland / 7 positions – December 2024
  • Geological Survey of Finland / 3 positions – 2024
  • Finnish Meteorological Institute 3 positions – 2024
  • VATT Institute for Economic Research 2 paikkaa – 2024

Recruitment for the rest of the positions will be opened in 2025.

Latest news:

Tiedote: Tulanet: Kehysriihen T&K-rahoituksen lisäykset tulevat tarpeeseen – tutkimuslaitosten post doc -ohjelmaan tulossa 40 miljoonaa euroa (In Finnish)

Additional information about the program:

Johanna Buchert, programme director, President and CEO of Natural Resources Institute Finland, johanna.buchert[at]
Sanna Marttinen programme coordinator, Executive Director of Finnish Research Institute Partnership (Tulanet),

Read more about Tulanet here

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