Tulanet is the cooperation body of eleven Finnish government research institutes
Our main objective is to promote cooperation between our members and with other actors in the scientific research field. We bring the collective voice of research institutions to the Finnish research policy discussion.
Tulanet has eleven members with a total of nearly 10 000 employees.
- Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
- Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
- Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
- National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
- Finnish Food Authority
- Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
- Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
- Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH)
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
- Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)
- VATT Institute for Economic Research
Research institutes conduct long-term research in their field of expertise in close cooperation with national and international partners. In addition to research, institutes have varying degrees of expert and statutory tasks. Their solutions-oriented research is channelled to the benefit of society through cooperation with business and societal decision-making.
Tulanet’s operations are led by a management group consisting of each institute’s chief executives. The board meets four times a year. In 2024, the chairperson of Tulanet is Antti Vasara, the President & CEO of VTT. The consortium’s activities are coordinated by the Executive Director of Tulanet Sanna Marttinen.
Practical cooperation is conducted in networks of directors, scientific researchers and experts.
Our method of work
Tulanet gathers research institutes’ perspectives and serves as a collective voice for research institutes in research policy debate by
- representing research institutes in working groups and expert networks
- issuing statements and endorsements
- meeting academia and business representatives as well as policymakers.
Tulanet promotes efficient use of competence and resources among research institutions by
- developing shared methods of work and sharing knowledge in peer networks of directors or experts in specific fields
- organising joint trainings
- promoting employee rotation and mentoring
- operating in shared laboratories and with shared equipment.
Tulanet promotes interdisciplinary research and expert work by
- networking researchers in different fields
- working closely with organisations that implement research findings
- actively participating in the development of open science practices.
Contact us
Finnish Research Institute Partnership (Tulanet)
Latokartanonkaari 9, FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland
Twitter @TulanetFI
LinkedIN @linkedin.com/company/tulanet
Sanna Marttinen
Executive Director
Tel. +358 29 532 6356
Twitter @SannaMartti
LinkedIN @linkedin.com/in/sannamarttinen