Karttaa ei ole saatavissa
13:00 - 16:00
13-14.30 ERC & MSCA grants
– Introduction to ERC & MSCA grants
o Annika Raitala, AoF (ERC)
o Päivi Pihlaja, AoF (MSCA)
– Proposal preparation & CV – the grantee’s point of view
o Miina Rautiainen, Aalto (ERC CoG)
o Petteri Uotila (MSCA IF)
– Evaluation process – the reviewer’s point of view
o Ari Laaksonen, IL (StG reviewer)
Coffee break
14.30-16 CV clinic: “ERC, MSCA and career planning”
– Introduction: Olli Ikkala, Aalto (ERC reviewer, AdG grantee)
– Panel discussion
– Optional one-to-one guidance, to those interested in getting feedback on their CVs