Junior project manager training ( 4.-5.5. and 1.-2.6.)

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04/05/2021 - 02/06/2021


1. PERIOD: May 2021: Management of the research project (May 4 – 5, 2021 from 9 am to 4 pm)
2. PERIOD: June 2021: Management of the project team (June 1 -2, 2021 from 9 am to 4 pm)

Kenelle kurssi soveltuu

Focus group: The training is aimed primarily for project managers managing a project at the moment who are at the beginning of their task or who have some experience of project management.


Content: Training focuses on research project’s and project team’s management. A task is completed in pairs / small groups that is related to the development of the project activities in one’s own research institute or to the development of the combined good practices in different research institutes. The training takes four days and is held in two two-day sessions (2+2 days).

1. Preliminary survey
2. Research project’s management
May 4, 2021: Sari Arolinna
• Research projects as production tools
• Management of jointly funded projects
• The role and responsibilities of the Project manager (human resource and network management perspective)
• The financial management of the research project (Tuula Pietilä, SYKE)
May 5, 2021:
• The research project’s project cycle management part I: Research project planning and resource management
• Risks of research project and their management
• The research project’s project cycle management part II: Decision-making, monitoring and evaluation
• Selecting the development task

3. Interim task
4. Management of the project team
June 1, 2021: Sari Arolinna
• Review of the interim tasks
• Towards a common goal and an outcome as a team
• Identification of different stakeholders in research institute projects
• Research collaboration in stakeholder groups
• Lean management in research field’s service (case example)
• Conclusions of the Lean and the project management
• Project communication and media relations
• Communication on networks

5. Coaching approach in project work
June 2, 2021: Riitta Tihinen
• Coaching approach in project work
• Project-team as a goal and result oriented working group
• Diversity in a project team – opportunities and risks
• A communication challenge – people having different cultural background
• Team dynamics an interaction
• Recap – Coaching approach in project work
• Feedback discussion and the end of a day and a program


Online (Teams)

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Trainers: Sari Arolinna, Ramboll Finland Oy and Riitta Tihinen, HAUS
Tulanet contact person: Anna Tolonen, GTK anna-leena.tolonen@gtk.fi