A diverse work community produces more creative solutions – Research institutes commit to anti-racist action

Finnish research needs international talent in order to stay at the forefront of research and to contribute to societal change. International personnel are also an important part of the research institutes’ work communities. Research has a role to play in tackling global challenges such as climate change and laying the foundations for a sustainable future. As diverse communities, we are more creative in producing solutions.

People from different backgrounds need to feel welcome in work communities as themselves. Inequality doesn’t have a place in the structures and day-to-day life of the workplace. It is important that workers and their families are integrated into Finnish society. Finland’s government research institutes are committed to promoting equality, each in its own way and in cooperation with each other. We will not tolerate racism and discrimination in any form.

The research institutes also combat discrimination and racism through research and expert work. We contribute to the societal debate and bring research-based information to public decision-making.

Practical actions to combat racism must be taken throughout society. This is also required by the Government’s statement on promoting equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society. The research institutes do their part in building an open and diverse society.


Finnish Research Institute Partnership (Tulanet)
Geological Survey of Finland (GTK)
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
Finnish Food Authority
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH)
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA)
VATT Institute for Economic Research

Chairperson of Tulanet, Director General Markku Tervahauta, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, +358 2 952 46001, markku.tervahauta[at]thl.fi
Executive Director of Tulanet, Sanna Marttinen, +358 2 953 26356, sanna.marttinen[at]tulanet.fi

Twitter @tulanetFI